Thursday, August 21, 2008

MK's Quilt

This is MK's quilt. Each heart is a different fabric. This is the original label I made for MK's quilt. I thought long and hard about a name for the quilt. When C saw the quilt, he said, "Oh, Sweetheart!" I went home and made a new label renaming the quilt "Sweetheart."
MK on her new quilt. The corner is turned down so you can see the backside of the quilt.
MK is learning early to share with her brothers - C & S.


Allison said...

Thanks for all the pictures, Mom! They are all so cute, if I do say so myself. =) We really appreciate all you did for us these past my house and things, taking care of kids, helping with the house, etc. You two have done so much for us! We sure will miss you when you leave for Saudi again.

Stephanie said...

Love the quilt!! It's almost as cute as MK.