Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Wedding Quilt No 2

Thought it would be fun to show you where I am at with Wedding Quilt No. 2. I am not very good at free-hand quilting, so this one I am quilting using my embroidery module. It is going to take some time, but I think it will be worth it. (Just the body of the quilt will require 252 separate hoopings!)

First I use a paper template to know where the embroidery needs to go on the quilt.

Block A

Block B

This shows the backside of the quilt - you get a better idea of what the finished quilting/embroidery looks like.

Wonder who will end up with Wedding Quilt No. 2??????

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

LOVE the colors of the quilt! It WILL be interesting to see who ends up with these quilts. Very nice of you to do. I cherish my quilt made by Grandma & Grandpa A. Not as fancy, but the very sentimental in my book!